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Contact Info
New York +(123) 456 -7890 [email protected] 184 Main Street Victoria 8007
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cfm Distributors, Inc.

100% Employee Owned Wholesale Distributors of Heating, Cooling, and Refrigeration Products.

We are one of the oldest and largest HVAC/R wholesale distributors in the Midwest and offer some of the most competitive parts and labor warranties, financing, and rebate incentives for our customers.
Learn about the advantages of becoming a York Dealer with cfm Distributors, Inc.

Become a cfm York Customer and receive these great benefits!
• First 5 York systems at Half Price
• First year of Liberties Plus Dealer Program for FREE
• $99 10 Year Parts and Labor Warranty
• Yearly Cash Rebate Program

For more information, have Justin contact you TODAY!

cfm Core Values


We do what is right… even when it is hard.


We openly share information and experiences, successes and failures, good news and bad news. It makes us all stronger.


We are forward thinkers that focus on simplicity, process improvements and implementation of creative big ideas that better serve our team and customers.


We are one team. We help co-owners and customers in need regardless of job description.

Intentional Communication

We listen, understand, empathize and build trust; with two sided clear and proactive communication done more often than we think we should.

Continuous Improvement

Every cfm owner is dedicated to improving their skills and creating tools for personal and team development.

Giving Back

We share our successes by giving back to our teammates, to our industry, to the community around us.

Get In Touch
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